1.What is a screw?

A screw is a fastener made of metal, usually with a thread and a cap-shaped head.

They are used to join two or more objects together, providing strong holding power and stability.

2. What are the main uses of screws?

Screws are widely used in many industries and applications.

They are used in construction, mechanical engineering, furniture manufacturing, the automotive industry, aerospace and other fields to secure, connect or assemble various objects and structures.

3. How to choose the right screws?

Choosing the right screw requires consideration of several factors, such as the required strength, length, thread type, screw head shape, etc.

The nature of the material to be connected should also be considered to ensure the compatibility of the screw with the material.

4. How to install screws?

The steps to install a screw include pre-drilling the hole, selecting the correct screw size, inserting the screw into the hole, and using a screwdriver or wrench to turn the screw counterclockwise until the desired tightening force is achieved.

Depending on the situation, a washer or nut may also be required.

5. How to solve the problem of loose screws?

Loose screws may be caused by vibration, material shrinkage or improper use.

Solutions include the use of nuts, washers or thread lockers to increase the tightening force of the screw.

Also, checking the screws regularly and re-tightening them is an important step to prevent loosening.